Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sider doo

This project is the most frusterating I have had so far.  The webbing and the face are just not matching up and after trial and error I look at what other people are doing and they line it up with the eyes.  I lined it up with the eyes and then i tried to morph the webbing across his whole face ( it looked really bad).  So i go on to the websight and i try to see what you did, and it didnt help.  So what im thinking for next class is to cut out the eyes and put them on later.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Spider doo

This project is easy so far because I am getting better at doing this stuff.  I took the scooby doo head and cut it out and enlarged it so it would fit spiderman's head.  After doing that I made a new layer with hew and saturation to make his face like spider man

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Getting rid of Poles Final REDO

I finally got the road to look better! It took forever but I finally figured out what to do.  So what I did is I went back to the 3devo sight and re downloaded this picture.  I took the road from the picture and re pasted it back on.  I figured out that if I use the normal healing brush that the road will look more natural.  Im glad that I realized that I can use the road in the Original picture.D

Rhino Zebra Final

I think that this is my best project yet!  I love how I made the zebra into a rhino zebra because it acually looks like a reall Rhino Zebra.  It doesn't look photoshopped because of the shadding that I did.  The eye matches up with the rhino and the feet are what I am most proud of because I was trying to get the feet to look right then I realize that I can just use the rhino's feet and it turned out perfect.  I love how it seems that the zebra's shadding makes it really look like its acually there. I poofed up the mane to give it a more natural look because that is what your going for in this project.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Today I learned how to add the shading effect on the Rhino Zebra.  I really like this tool because it makes the picture look a whole lot better with the effect of the shade.  The problems that I am having with is how to get the feet to look right, and how to get the gradiance of the horns to look like it were part of  the zebra.  I am happy on the 2 front feet but the back looks too photoshopped.  I am going to work on that my next time I come in here.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Today I warped the zebra into the bulls shape.  The hardes part about this project is to try and not have it pixilated when i am trying to fix the face and the feet.  The feet is the hardest part because the hooves would be pixilated too much and the stripes won't line up.  The hardest part by far is trying to get the face to look right.  I think that I did a very good job with the butt and the back of the zebra.  All I am hoping to fix now is the feet and the face.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Final statue of liberty project

This project wasnt hard it was just time consumming.  the hardest part for me was the statue's crown pieces because I couldn't get the pieces to match the original without taking off some of the crown in order to get rid of the sky.  Over all I am really proud of my work and I wouldnt change anything about it.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Final Statue of Liberty

In this project i used the lasso tool to help me remove the statue of liberty from the sky and have it by itself.  This took a while but I found it easier to use the polygon tool because the regular lasso i had trouble with trying to line everything up.  Over all I think that I did pretty good.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Final Dog Project

In my Dog project I thought that this was fairly easy.  I used the Normal mode more that the replace mode for the tree area because it seemed to blend a bit easier that what the replace mode would do.  This was the easiest project so far.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Final project of getting rid of the poles and car

In this project I got rid of all the arial noise (poles, signs, exc).  I did a good job of removing the car from the building portion but I had troubles with the street side of the car.  I made an amerature mistake of going too far outside of my guide lines.  But for what I did i am very proud of how I got rid of the car. Just a few more times of doing this then I will be a pro at the healing brush.

Final project brothers

For my brothers project I wanted to make them look like twins.  I cleaned up the twin's hair on the right because he is a bit more clean.  I had trouble trying to not get his chin not as pixilated too much because it wouldn't look as natural.  I made the twin's express a different emotion, happy/ what am i smiling about agian. 

I am Awesome

I am awesome because i am awesome. How that for my second post