Thursday, October 25, 2012

Haunted House

Finally I am getting the house broken up.  The hard part about this house right now is getting the glass to acually look like it is broken.  No matter how much I try to make it look like a part of the house, it still doesn't want to look right.  This is a problem for another day.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Haunted House

This is what I am using for my background and for my Haunted House.  I think the hardest part is going to be getting the windows to look like it is part of the house.  Hopefully I can find some good images on the internet to put on my haunted house.  What I really want to do is break some of the pillars in the front of the house to make it look worn down and old.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Spider Doo FINAL

After you taught us how to do the webbing I made my webbing so much better.  If only I knew how to do some of this in the beggining.  It would of been a lot easier.  All I did to fix this is I merged all the layers together and then warped it to his nose.  I cut off all the extra webbing that I didnt need. Dont grade the other Spider-Doo Final I Did. This is my final to Spider doo.

Friday, October 5, 2012


Finally after the longest time messing with the webbing of the face I finally get the webbing to look right.  It didn't take long but it was just my techinique of grabbing the webbing from seperate places.  I almost for got to do the spider doo logo underneath him.  That was very time consuming trying to get all of the cut outs to look good.  Over all I thought that this project was the hardest of them all.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Five Houses


The one I want to do the most is the very last bottom one.  I love this picture because this is America's haunted house theme.  The only problem with it is it is smaller than all the others but not by much.  The second one is probably the easiest because the picture is very clear and you can mess/break a lot of stuff that can cause it to look old.  I think that this project is going to be the funnest one yet.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Spider doo

Today I am struggling but making progress with the webbing.  It is hard to find a good web to replace the eyes and make it look good.  The only issue that I am having with this project is that I do not know if I like the placement wear all the webbing meets.  But I think that is an easy fix for Wednesday.  I am almost done.

Haunted House

I am thinking about choosing one of these 2 pictures, because in my mind I think of these houses when ever I hear the word Haunted.  It looks like a normal but sketty house.